Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Waiting Game

Last night we met with the doctor for over 2 hours talking and planning.  He loves his job and he's REALLY good at it.  Good enough that it just confirms that we'll do whatever it takes to continue coming back to Minnesota to see him, at least for any time she needs to have surgery.

While the exchange of information last night was really long and LOTS of info was shared I can only remember some of it.  Funny how that is but I think I hear something and then I just zone out for a minute.  Anyways he went over a lot of info actually about the leg lengthening surgery which is actually the major surgery that she will have to have in the future but in the mean time the surgery she is having right now is to straighten the leg and the foot along with the tendons and such to help her walk better in the distant future and then to eventually prep the leg for the lengthening process.  Something he said last night that stunned me was "remember her body is genetically and biologically programmed to have a shorter leg on the left and so when we do the lengthening we're really playing with fire.  The body is designed to grow and heal itself but not to regenerate parts where it doesn't want to".  Playing with fire.  Nice.  But that's a few years from now.  I'll worry about that on another day.  As for this surgery he did mention that she will have an epidural for pain and a catheter etc. which I was not really expecting.  I guess I've only ever seen pregnant ladies have epidurals so it caught me off guard.

And so today.  I for sure felt the prayers this morning as a part of the process I was stressing about the most was the non-nursing, no feeding part.  My girl still nurses in the morning and she couldn't have anything after 2:30am.  So at about 2 I rolled the dice and woke her to feed her.  Thank you God for allowing her to drift off to sleep after eating until 5:30 when we had to wake.  Even then she was distracted enough that she didn't really fuss for breakfast.  The pre-op went fine, they're beyond excellent with kids here.  She got calming aromatherapy on her little night gown and I'm pretty sure it was more for the Mama and Daddy than for the baby.  The "hand off" went well and she cooed all the way down the hall being carried off on the hip of the nurse.  I'm writing this in the waiting room and right now Joey has a beeper that hangs like a necklace on him.  When it goes off we call right into the OR room and speak with the nurse.  It happens every hour or more if needed.  That's nice.  They've called already once to say that things are going well.  Just a moment ago someone came out and said the doc made some changes, he wants to do some scans (or whatever) and we needed to sign some more paperwork.  Ok.

And that's it for now.  That's all we know.  Just a few hours into it and I think the plan is we will see her in a few hours or less.  My friend Michelle is here which is nice and we have other friends on the way which is a total bonus given we're 1.5 hours from Mankato and the're driving all the way to see us. Just goes to show that we made great friends in Minnesota.

I'll update more once we actually know how everything went...  Thank you for reading and being interested, invested and praying for our family.

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