Friday, April 19, 2013

Establishing The Home Team

Last week we had a pre-op appointment scheduled with Katelyn's primary Pediatrician.  It was during that appointment that the Doc. acknowledged that we will need to establish a relationship with a specialist here in Columbus that way we can get answers tp any emergencies quickly both for this surgery and for later on down the line. But first let me back up a bit...

Following next week's surgery the primary healing process (or time in a cast) takes at least 30 days.  So tentatively we will be returning to Minnesota sometime at the end of May for the cast removal and evaluation.  However when I was on the phone with Dr. Dahl's Secretary she mentioned that he'd like us to come back for a 2 week post op check up half way in between the 30 day return for cast removal.  I sort of did a melt down at the thought of all of those expenses (and childcare) and then they asked if I'd be willing to remain in Minnesota and send Joey home.  Now I realize that some of the treatments she will go through will require us to live wherever the surgery takes place but I wasn't ready for it now so we came to a compromise that we will have the 2 week post op scans done here in Ohio and sent to Dr. Dahl and he'll evaluate via the computer.  Fast forward to the appointment with the Pediatrician who basically said this is getting over her head and that we should have the 2 week scan post op appointment done at a Children's Orthopedic office.  Well I couldn't complain about that I thought it was a good idea so let's start building a team of experts.

Yesterday was that meeting.  We met with Dr. Ruggles down at Children's Hospital Orthopedic Center.  He intentionally gave us his last 4pm appointment because he wanted to spend lots of time talking/assessing Katelyn.  It turns out that he was hired just a month ago because Children's Hospital of Columbus wants to expand their limb lengthening department/research and so we turned out to be just the type of case he was hired to see.  He's been out in Baltimore for some length of time training with Dr. Standard in at the Limb Lengthening Institute and he also knew of Dr. Dahl in Minnesota.  It made me/us feel so much better to have someone here at home that runs with the same group of professionals that we know of and see.  It was during yesterday's appointment that he said things like "well here we are at the beginning and you're about ready to start this process."  But even more impacting to me was the statement "This journey that you're going to go through with her (speaking of her whole childhood and limb lengthening) is not for the faint hearted parents."  Yes, so we've heard and I read blogs and am on websites and see the pictures, until I turn off the computer because I'm really only 9 months into it and I can't handle looking into the future like that for too long.  But really what other option do we have, right?  Perhaps it's really that the faint hearted parents become strong because they have to for their children.

Some encouragement....When Katelyn was first diagnosed and I was doing a lot of research and I realized what our future would hold, in a moment of weakness I said to a friend "I'm not strong enough for all of this" and she said to me "You know, you'll be surprised.  God gives you the strength to get through today and when tomorrow calls for an even greater strength, you'll have it too because tomorrow He will also be with you and will give you what you need for that day." I've had to remind myself of that a lot lately. Sometimes you just have to focus on just today.  I also had a friend send me this verse..

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.  3 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; Isaiah 43:1b-3a

When you are standing on the banks of one of life's rivers, about to dip your toes into the uncertain waters it really is comforting to know that He won't let the waters sweep us away.  We can do this, I can do this, I got this thing.....right?

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